THE sunMountain C130 bag has a long history in the field of golf equipment. 30 years of existence make it one of the most prized brands by golfers. They have put all their knowledge into the design, functionality, and quality of their products. Today, we will review one of their best products, the Sun Mountain C130 golf bag. THE SUN MOUNTAIN C130 IS A CART BAG THAT MEETS THE STANDARDS TO FIT ALL EXISTING GOLF CARTS ON THE MARKET. THERE IS NO DOUBT THAT THE C130 GOLF-BAG IS A BESTSELLER AT SUN MOUNTAIN. WE'LL SOON FIND OUT WHY. SunMountain C130: the Design Best Golf Bags contains 14 compartments to ensure excellent organization of your clubs and easy storage. The 14th compartment of the SunMountain C130 bag is used to store your putter and can fit larger grips. Finally, the top is laid out in such a way that each club is very easily accessible while on the cart. The C130 has excellent access and is very convenient to use. The SunMountain C130 series of...